My life feels too chaotic to do anything, is that normal?

1 month ago 55

I feel like for the past eight years, my life has just been a very long train wreck. In the sense that, I walk out of one thing, have a day to breathe, only to find out something crazy is just around the bend and most of the time it's stuff beyond my control.

I have a plethora of games I want to play, and I've been wanting to do projects. But when I have free time, I know I have to take care of something, or if I really have the time to do something, I just feel too tired to do anything. Years ago I figured maybe this is everyone, and I needed to learn to 'dance in the rain', get better at recognizing there's never a perfect moment to do anything. And well nowadays it feels more like, learning to dance in a monsoon than the rain. I guess I feel like my life out of control, and I can't ever be calm enough to just enjoy life anymore.

Someone's probably gonna say, why don't you work on improving your life. And I want to say, I have been, things have been getting better. There's just a lot of situations where I have no control, such as getting hacked and robbed, or my landlord selling the house and having to deal with my crazy housemates while I go find a new place to live. This is literally just what happened in the last two weeks...

submitted by /u/exoventure
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