My friends treat me like I’m stupid and irrelevant. I’m never taken seriously or considered when decisions are being made. What do I do?

2 hours ago 4

For context, I’m a college student in their junior year. Lately, I’ve been feeling like I don’t really matter in my friend group. Every time I say something, it just gets laughed off or ignored. No one ever really takes my opinion seriously. I could suggest going somewhere, and they’d all say no, but then if someone else suggests a place, suddenly they’re all on board. It’s like my voice just doesn’t count.

On top of that, they’re pretty insensitive toward me. They’ll laugh when I talk about certain stuff or give an opinion, call me silly or even stupid while laughing, and I know they might not mean harm, but i still find it weird. I often find myself walking behind them, feeling like I don’t really belong. It’s starting to make me question if they even respect me at all. And when I ask them to go out, they usually say they’re broke and can’t afford it but if they want to do something, I’m always expected to be on board and willing to spend the money. Also, I’m pretty playful and tend to laugh a lot but that doesn’t mean I don’t still have feelings or notice things that people do to me

I’m usually not the first person they invite out and I always feel like an afterthought. I also don’t think they genuinely hate me or anything like that. I just don’t get why they’re like that especially when I always make sure no one is left out.

I don’t know if I’m overthinking. Has anyone else been in a situation like this? How did you handle it and what do you think I should do?

submitted by /u/Unique-Act7587
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