My dad fell and now he is in a coma.

3 months ago 35

Basically, the worst has happened. I was going to write a long ass post but basically it went like this: my dad was doing the outside decorations and fell on his head and is now in a irrecoverable coma. there was internal bleeding in his head that just got worse. The surgery to save him was 99.9% likely to fail, so we chose to keep him alive in his coma for now until the rest of our family, his friends, and coworkers say their last goodbyes to him while he is alive. But basically, he is gone.

I’m just in shock and i still can’t believe it. I was the last family member to see him alive as well, as i saw him doing the decorations when i left to get food. Then 30 minutes later while i was sitting in starbucks, i get a group text from my brother saying my dad fell and was rushed to the ER in an ambulance. He was found by the neighbor and my mom and my brother went outside to find out.

I didn’t even say anything to my dad when i left for food. I keep thinking what if i stayed to help or left a little later or just say something to him before i left and what if that would have changed anything.

It’s just a hard-hitting reminder about life and how death could be so sudden and how life is meaningful. He was 63.

I’ve been a neet for almost two years, and now it’s just me, my three brothers who work (two don’t live here), and my mom and grandma who don’t work. I’m 32 and i’ve reverted to a manbaby deadbeat these past couple years since i quit my last job. But now things can’t be the same anymore. I can’t rely on my dad anymore since he’s gone. I have to be better.

submitted by /u/Fun-Math7384
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