My conspiracy was proven true and my last post here is more relevant than ever about Egg Prices.

22 hours ago 6

I made a post here some time ago about egg prices and I gave my reasoning for why I believed they're being artificially inflated in price. Now, the US Department of Justice is launching an investigation into egg prices.

Here is a link to the news article about this:

In my previous post, I also mentioned that US egg producers like Cal-Maine Foods and Rose Acres Farms (ran by the Rust family who are known price gougers) LOST a federal anti-trust lawsuit. Major US food companies like Kraft, Kellogg, and others sued US egg producers and won the case.

So now, it would appear that my last post wasn't just a conspiracy. I'm a chicken farmer. I know the prices of eggs and what they should be. I did the research into US egg producers such as Rose Acres Farms and I discovered a treasure trove of lawsuits over the years about price gouging. Rose Acres used to be ran by a man named John Rust who was CEO of Rose Acres during the lawsuits and it was shown that he was complicit in price gouging and anti-trust violations. The person who runs Rose Acres now is his brother, Marcus. So, you know Rose Acres is price gouging if its all in the same family and they were already proven to have engaged in anti-trust violations which is a VERY tough case to prove in federal court.

Here is a link to the original case that US egg producers lost:

John Rust, the guy who used to run Rose Acres Farms (one of the largest US egg producers) was SO bad, that when he ran for US senate in Indiana, he was blocked by the Indiana Election Commission partially because everyone hated him for price gouging eggs. Do you know how bad you gotta be if you're RICH and you're just told, "naw bruh you're too scummy to run"? Like, that's crazy work but well deserved. Could you even imagine if a person like HIM got into federal office as a US senator? You might as well send Joker or Thanos to Congress while you're at it.

Link to John Rust's horrible price gouging of families:

If anyone knows the level of evidence you need to prove a multi-year conspiracy among multiple egg producers, then you know that either the evidence was very blatant or there were just mountains upon mountains of evidence that couldn't be hidden due to shear volume. My wife is a stenographer or the person who transcribes court cases. She has done federal cases before and she tells me that the level of evidence you need to prove something like this is immense. This is why only super large corporations like Kraft and Kellogg would even have the money or lawyer power to pull off a major legal victory like that.

The reason why I think many political parties don't want to touch this is because it implicates ALL of them. If you look at the years that it was proven that US egg producers were price gouging, you'll notice that this happened under Obama and Bush. That tells me NOBODY had a handle on this issue and especially if corporations have to sue to expose the truth when smaller folks lost similar lawsuits over the years because they didn't have expensive lawyers.

It would seem I was right. Thanks for the support to everyone. I'm just disgusted that these clowns are almost assuredly price gouging struggling American families. That's the part that grinds my gears.

submitted by /u/Agile_Credit_9760
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