My cat watches snow with the same wonder she watched it with as a kitten

2 months ago 42

I got her fall of 2023. I’ll never forget the first time she saw snow. She sat in the windowsill purring so strongly to herself. I saw her in the window and just watched her for a bit. She would hone in on individual flakes and follow them past the window, finding a new one once the old one was out of sight. She would stretch up in the window trying to get them. Her eyes were just a solid black, her pupils were massive. I remember writing about it last year and describing it like seeing powdered sugar in a pool of ink.

My older cat joined her at one point (he was one at that time), sitting beside her watching the snow. To her, this was something entirely new. But he was a stray in the snow, abandoned at a few months old by his owners in the winter of 2022 (he had a flea collar on and was neutered). He came running up to my mom one cold snowy morning and wouldn’t leave her side. Things happened and I ended up keeping him. I don’t think he was as intrigued by the snow as she was, as I’d imagine he doesn’t have good memories of it. I’ll never know, of course; I can only speculate. I like to think he was just keeping her company in that window.

Now here we are a year later. It’s snowed a decent amount, it’s been going all day. My kitten’s all grown up, and she still spent all her time in the window today, purring away and chasing snowflakes. She was just sitting on the corner of my bed looking out the window. I watched her take in all the snow, and I saw the same black eyes I saw last winter. She was purring, watching the snow blow off the apartment roofs. I love seeing her watch the snow, I’m glad that wasn’t something she grew out of. My older cat’s avoided the windows today in favor of his bed. I think he’s much more interested in warmth and shelter over snow than my younger one, as she’s really only ever known warmth and shelter. The snow’s something different, something unique, something wonderful to her.

submitted by /u/HauntedHouse10273
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