Moving and People

4 months ago 46

Introvert here. I’ve moved around for a majority of my life, usually once every 4 years. Not the most ever, but enough to make an impact. It takes me about two years to become comfortable enough with people to become close friends. Because of this, I get a good 1-2 years of close friendship, move, and am once again a stranger surrounded by strangers. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve noticed some patterns that make the reset less daunting.

People can be so similar. I’ll meet someone in Arkansas who is a mirror image of a friend from New Jersey. I make entire friend groups that resemble other groups I’ve been part of before. As I get older, old friends make their way back into my life through new friends. Does that make sense?

My entire life I’ve felt different (thanks, neurodivergence) and out of place. It takes time but every single place I’ve lived has housed at least one friend, usually more. Sometimes I get lonely and feel unlovable and then I remember all of the places I’ve lived that hold people with the capacity to love me. I don’t think I’ve coincidentally moved to the few places that have people I’ll connect with, I think I can connect with people anywhere as long as I try.

Friendships/relationships aren’t perfect. Things get tough and tense sometimes, but at a base level, I think you can always find someone around who gets you. Obviously just because friends in different states are similar doesn’t mean they’re the same. Some may click with you more than others. Some places still felt lonely despite my knowing there was somebody who had my back. Some places felt like Home.

Just be kind and honest. Community follows. Reading this back it sounds fallacious, but I stand by it.

submitted by /u/Stunning_Truth_953
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