I'll just call this a "theory" for now. IYKYK
Who is Jeffery Goldberg? This dual-citizen of Isreal and the US served in the IDF after dropping out of college and became the mouthpiece for advancing Isreali interests in the United States.
In the run up to the Iraq war, he wrote innumerable articles advocating for the war by feeding complete falsehoods to the American people after the 9/11 terror attacks. He is without question one of the most prolific speaders of Israeli propoganda in the US.
The nature of spycraft requires that you should never get compromised, or "get your cover blown". In the United States, however, Mossad have been allowed to operate freely despite our intel agencies knowing full well who they work for. This is partially because they serve as a liason for laundered intelligence information obtained domestically on Americans. The other reason they are allowed to operate freely is the sheer amount of blackmail obtained on key figured in business and government.
Goldberg is Mossad. Mossad has the means to compromise any phone anywhere via a single invisible SMS message. This was the means of entry into Mike Waltz phone. From there it was easy as sin to add their guy into a Signal chat.
Note that they didn't have to add him to the chat in order to obtain the messages therein. Waltz' phone was already completely compromised. This was a power move, one that said to the US that you don't operate in the Isreali sphere of influence without completely looping us in first. If you don't, we get the info anyways, and embarrass you to top it off. The operation in Yemen put several key Mossad operatives and informants in danger, and they were not having it.
So then the leak happens, and one of the original goals of this op, besides the messaging and information gathering, was to sow distrust deep inside the administration. There is a contigent of the US admin that truly believes in "America first", and that's bad news for Isreal. Mike Waltz was supposed to be fired by now, and because he isn't, Goldberg is now out giving cryptic hints that are supposed to suggest that he and Waltz have some sort of relationship.
Waltz is absolutely furious about this gaslighting, even suggesting that Golderberg added himself to the Signal chat (which is the truth). To this, Goldberg calls him "crazy".
As an addendum, the Epstein thing REALLY pissed off Mossad. Everything was cleaned up with a neat little bow, and this admin is opening the can of worms yet again. This surly isn't the end of these types of intel operations.
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