Man fuck life fuck that

2 days ago 11

Why do we have to fucken do all that loans repaying loans studying for years for not a guaranteed job then waste more money work dead end jobs to repay the loans for a degree that doesn’t help with anything even though all that is not certain then somehow figure out ways to get married more fucken debt tryna please the wife and take a mortgage while keep everything else under control loose people as people get more disconnected loose jobs try again and live more of a semi half ass life for an illusion of hard work will get you their and tryna take more loan or look for investors to start the 5th business that does work out if you can’t find a team or maybe barely makes money and more of a liability along with managing family problems. fuck man why do we gotta do all that while some people are born into a Jewish family that owns banks or royalty and just jailbreaked the system while all of earth population semi live with little to no power over their life and vulnerable to financial crisis

submitted by /u/AstronomerProper8732
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