Males who hate Andrew Tate, why?

2 months ago 34

Why such a beta dude? Makes no sense unless u like the feminists from western who do not like the truth and/or some fella who does not like being called out for being a beta male (fapper/simp).

This world is full of clowns and then wonder why it falls apart. Like i`ve lit seen various ridiculous stuff from rditi incels, from one who unironically called meat beating a selfpleasure to ones who bough and share that feministic bluepill crap abt how we men need to fuck urselfves otherwise PrOStATe cACNCer (which is crap like its based on 1 theoretical study, its an appeal to fear like rligions do with hell) to cucks who said how NoFap is an incel cope (the irony) to ones who compared productive and safe thing like NoFap with unproductive and unsafe thing like proanorexia (which is false equivalence btw) and list goes on.

Crazy how we got from gladiators n warriors to dry masturbators who have no life and want other males to be betas too and with that help feminists. Good thing warriors like Tate exist and like i understand that u free to be a beta and into effeminate kinks but like why the hate Morty esp if u pro toxic and anti-masculine stuff?

submitted by /u/Cold_Tejt_69
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