"Make good choices"

3 months ago 37

Today is the 1st anniversary of the sudden and unexpected loss of my sister. She was 43. She was my ideas person... We went skydiving, white water rafting, full on beach days and family days at the zoo because she had a spark. She was the spark. We opened up a business together, bought a house together, and ventured out just because we could. Even our kids are the same age.

"Make good choices" is something she would always say and tell the kids. Life is the sum of the choices we make. It sets-up the future us. It develops who we are.

Without my sister, I feel lost. Like I'm in the hamster wheel of waking, work, home, homework, and sleep.

So today, in honor of venturing out and finding my spark, I'll take the kids to have a picnic at the beach and then look at Christmas lights.

submitted by /u/crystalg81
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