Madonna's Eurovision 2019 video is the most obvious wake up video of all time

6 hours ago 3
Madonna's Eurovision 2019 video is the most obvious wake up video of all time


This video is from 2019. Right before shit hit the fan. You can basically skip to 5min when it gets intense. But she has x symbol on her eye before x was twitter. Ukranian headdress. People wearing gas mask because of fake covid about to happen. She says it's not in the air it's inside of you referring to vax.

Skip toward end of video she has Israel and Palestine walking up the steps and split up at 9min. She hit 6.66 million subscribers on Oct 7. Then at end up video giant pyramid and she says WAKE UP. Whole video she says not everyone coming with us.

Now also Quavo in this video. Him and takeoff has the messy video. This video has even more obvious symbolism. Takeoff died during dice game as predicted in video. Quavo has double crosses on bed behind him why he is reading a contract. Talking about women in a haunted house with kids. Similar to the Hotel California song from 70s. He use to have "black ops" on his suitcase which was removed from video. At end of video he touches head and looks at his head at Quavo where he was shot.

Also the director messy video has tons of symbolism on his insta. Blocking all all his number except 13 which is betrayal and showing gold bar pyramid and whisper symbol.

Also all music you ever see either do 666 or whisper symbol.

submitted by /u/1984rip
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