M18, debating whether I should break up with my girlfriend F17.

2 months ago 63

I’m not sure how to start this and I’m basically treating this as therapy.

I met my girlfriend roughly four months ago, the very first night I met her we developed an immediate connection. We became official roughly a month ago and we’ve already briefly met each others parents. I just feel that she is more distant with me lately, whenever we message each other she replies, yet doesn’t converse.

This is also my very first relationship and it’s all so new to me, I feel overwhelmed at times and I’ve felt myself become too attached and I really do love her. However, these feelings aren’t reciprocated at all and we are likely going to separate universities at the end of the year. This initially made me not want to date her, as it feels like my relationship has an expiration date but I just want to spend as much time as possible with her and now I know I’m going to get hurt.

We were recently at a party and I had a horrible time, I wanted to dance with her but she sort of blanked me and was dancing with her gay friend all night. It made me so uncomfortable seeing him grind on her and grabbing her ass. I know maybe I shouldn’t care but I do, shouldn’t there be boundaries around that? She has mentioned how her ex boyfriend didn’t respect her boundaries and it makes me uncomfortable to think of her being more intimate with someone else as all we ever do is the odd kiss.

On the topic of exes, I’m also confused why she pretended she didn’t know an old friend of mine when I know they used to talk in a situation ship kind of way. If I knew she had previous relationships I think I would’ve been more cautious with asking her out, as her previous relationship only lasted a month and she seems to have talked to a lot of guys previously. This makes me think she likes the IDEA of a relationship, not the ACTUAL relationship.

Long story short: me, first girlfriend, I’m too attached and we are going to university soon and I feel uncomfortable. Should we break up?

submitted by /u/Alternative_Spot2578
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