Lost / Expired Friendships

7 hours ago 7

I am losing the interest and excitement from hanging out with my friends.

I am currently last semester in uni. I’ve made some friends along the way, but as i said i totally lost the interest. In my opinion, one of the main reasons of this occurrence is the level of maturity.

Whenever i hang out with these guys i feel like i’m hanging out with literal high-schoolers (We are all 22 years old). All they talk about is brain rot, they have no vision & ambition in life. God, one of them (which i’ve been friends with 10 years) graduated 2 years a go and all he does is play video games and lives with his grandma.

I tried motivating these guys and we started a game design project all together but all i got in return was pure in-responsibility and passive aggressive insults. I literally gain nothing from these people’s friendships.

Have you been in such situations? How did you handle it and cut yourself clean from such toxic and immature people?

submitted by /u/ConsiderationThat128
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