Thoughts on the Baby Boomer generation?

4 hours ago 4

I know, we can't really generalize. Each individual is unique.

The Baby Boomers, born in the mid to late 1940s and in the 1950s, were born into a world where Canadian citizens were statistically, rounded off, 100% European background (and specific European with the majority being English, Scottish, French) and American citizens were around 85-90% European and the remainder being for the most part Black Americans. Baby Boomers were born into a world where almost everyone in Canada and the US identified as Christian, where abortion was illegal, likewise gay marriage. People married young and had lots of children. The median age was in the 20s. People studied Latin in school and were failed if warranted. Homes with yards were accessible for the average Joe and Jane even on one income, as long as they kept on the right path and worked hard for the most part. Most households were headed by married couples. Marriages were life long with a divorce rate of less than 1%.

And as the Baby Boomers enter into their elder years in these 2020s, abortion, immigration, and subversive social ideas that have spread over the past decades leave not so many children. The median age in the US and Canada is now around 40 years old with around 20% of the population being 65+. Christianity is no longer in the high 90s of percentages. In Canada it may be around 50% and in the US in the 60s for percentage of people who self identify as Christian. Many places are already minority European, and the youngest generations are already. Many good paying jobs have left with an increase in globalization. Local salaries don't match local housing prices. The wealthy of the world buying up property and in many cases displacing local Americans and Canadians. Often trans or homosexual flags replace the national flag of the nation. In Canada, the national flag itself was changed in 1965 from the Union Jack to the current flag. Multiculturalism as an idea was introduced. Single person households have jumped up. Divorce rates have jumped up.

In short, the Baby Boomers are "passing down" a very different world than the ones their grandparents "passed down" to them. I put that in quotes, because I know they're not responsible nor had power to change what those in power did. During much of the time it was actually politicians and others in influence from their parents' generation, and not all Christian either who subverted a Christian society. But I wonder how many Baby Boomers look at this and think how great! And how many look at this and think the world has gone astray.

In my view, the Baby Boomers benefited by coming up in a world with the Anglo and Christian structure, and umbrella, that afforded them the luxury to play around with social subversion and to reject religion and to be promiscuous and have abortions and it took some time for the chickens to come home to roost and for all of these things to really decay society. Now their kids or grandkids can't afford a house, are marrying much later, having kids much later, if at all and more.

What are your thoughts on the Baby Boomer generation?

submitted by /u/Asleep-Fan8328
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