Life Sucks, Job Industry Also!

1 month ago 46

so latly I been feeling down since this Job Industry Sucks! I got slip and fall accident this summer at Work, and Got laid off instantly since I was not able to preform at work anymore. I did Pro Moving. fcked up my leg now I can't lift anything that's heavy. and It makes it even more harder to find a job where they don't expect you to be a slave and break your back and every muscle every second. after this incident happen due to the clients neglagence, I have not got any compensation or phone calls from customer trying to make any agreements. fck it I have an attorney and lien on their property, but homeowners insurance still reqected my claim. so in my toughts I'm thinking what's the point of even trying to prove yourself to somebody anymore? if we humans don't care about each other and we are only money hungry leprechaun's that are ready to eat eachother alive for couple dollars... I'm healing up rn and can walk again, but when driving for longer time my leg still hurts, and I need a surgery. I will probl never gonna be able to run again or workout or enjoy hiking, and will allways remeber not to trust anybody in my life, becouse after you get hurt you will become useless for other's to use...

submitted by /u/Exact_Guest34
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