Life is unfair and I can't live like this anymore I pray every day I go peacefully in sleep, I can't continue like this, my head doesn't stay up right & constant regurgitation. I go from sitting up in bed to garage stabilising my neck!

3 months ago 39

I cannot function cause I have many spinal problems kyphosis spine neck is going other way, it's caused my neck to go completely forward and it's locked in this position due to stenosis disc bulge 567 spondylitis arthritis , I cannot move my neck whatsoever and I have no life outside 4 walls plus I'm constantly regurgitating got many endoscopy getting barium momentary again but I do not eat just have bannana no sugar protein shakes no dairy, non stop liquid coming in, hh symptoms but no hh coming on endoscopy, life is hell and I cannot socialize I csnt even invite friends over so I stay inside quit work cause the 24 7 regurgitation is to much, stomach descended excessive fluid air gas intestines bowel. Why is this happening to me I cannot win. The liquid makes me not breathe, may need linx surgery this has been happening 5mrhs non stop I'm ready to leave this planet I'd be so happy if I just drifted off in my sleep, my neck is totally locked up in position I cannot move it whatsoever it's almost on the floor very upsetting

submitted by /u/AlarmingAd2006
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