life is so boring

1 day ago 5

life is so ass bro like what goal do most ppl even have if it isn't to survive?? life is just so boring 80% of the time. i see no interests in anything but religion and sports.. i feel like life really is a burden that i must carry. even if i hit 10 millions then what? i think that 1 years in i will already be bored of it.

at least if i was some medieval mf or whatever i could explore the world freely without being forced to work literally half of my time everyday if even more than that. but today society is forcing you to work and be part of it, even though you don't want to participate to society.

yall ppl who don't even got religion, genuiely how do you do to still live? like bro what is interesting and amusing to this world, pleasure, fun?? i can't believe you can live only for the shorts moments of pleasure you will experience, cmon it gotta be deeper than that for you to not be depress€d already

submitted by /u/FlorianWer
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