Liev Schrieber Finds His Sons Attractive -Mom Naomi Watts Posts Special Pics On Social Media (do celebrities have a certain agenda with children?)

10 hours ago 11
Liev Schrieber Finds His Sons Attractive -Mom Naomi Watts Posts Special Pics On Social Media (do celebrities have a certain agenda with children?)

Schreiber’s current Twitter profile features a picture of his children wearing makeup and kissing on the lips. His bio talks about his “shockingly attractive children”.

Schreiber did not use the word “beautiful” to describe his children. He used the word “attractive”.

Why can’t these parents wait until these children are adults before making such drastic decisions? How many of these children actually requested to live that way? How many of them were groomed and forced to live that way? If the answer to this last question is greater than one then we should call this “trend” what it actually is: Child abuse.

submitted by /u/missscarlett1977
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