Just curious of yalls opinion of my partner cheated or is telling me the truth about being faithful.. thanks.

5 hours ago 3

M30. I have dated my partner for 8 years, she has always been wonderful, faithful, loving, literally everything I could’ve dreamed of.. our issues started about 1.5 years ago. A male coworker had marriage problems. His wife wouldn’t sleep with him due to PPD after their second child. He came to my partner needing advice on how to help his wife and what he could do to make her want him again and whatever… she helped him, they talked for a couple months, she told me everything, when he would call whatever they talked about. She was open and honest… I got tired of hearing about him so it would make me furious that she literally spend all day and night everyday talking with him. She just quit talking about him to keep the peace and not cause a fight..

The issues started after our last big big fight: she fell into a bad place mentally, Felt lost, didn’t know about our relationship, didn’t know if we could work through the issues or who she was anymore. Whatever it all may have been… this was at the beginning of that month… the middle of the month was her birthday. He called her everyday after work that week just chatting on their way home. I overheard the conversations from time to time from our outdoor camera when she was walking in. Never about anything out of the ordinary.. the end of that week he came to the house to get his wife’s Christmas present that was shipped so she wouldn’t know what it was. When he arrived she went out the door and told him I wasn’t there and that I watched them. According to our indoor sensors they were in the back of the house for 12-15 minutes. She said they walked to the back, grabbed the present and walked out.. keep in mind, it’s a large box that is heavy so it would’ve taken a little bit of that time to pick up and carry out.. when they walked out her hair was not messed up at all, his clothes were still tucked in and everything looked normal.. somethings off with that whole scenario.. our sex life ended after that fight and all hopes after he left.. odd thing is, not long after that, maybe a couple weeks, she started taking care of herself. She never did that before, we had a very good sex life.. then she started doing that and has been doing that steady for a year now.. I then heard them in the phone talking again one afternoon after work about a month later and it was still just casual conversation.. he was waiting in his wife and he called.. they talked about their high school days and he then made a comment about how many years apart they were in age like he didn’t already know.. so it makes me think nothing happened.. but then couple months later, she was wondering when she could have sex after starting birth control.. she had been off for 2 years and we hadn’t been active for about 4 months at that time… weird part is, we spent all of our time together except to sleep so I didn’t speculate an affair.. she told me she was just curious because she hadn’t been on it in so long…

What is yalls opinions on moving forward? Just a little back story, do you think she’s being honest with me? Do you think she did cheat and is lying? I have never found any concrete evidence. I had a years worth of her browsing history that I saw after accidently downloading google: not one thing pointed towards affair but her red flags originally made me question.. I really want to make things work with her but I’m curious to what yalls opinion would be. she saw as a child the damages cheating caused and swore she would never do it. Still to this day she is 100% against it she says she would never do it.. opinions and advice welcome.. thanks..

submitted by /u/ThrashRA-Panda12
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