If the people don’t hold the Dems responsible for their giant failures and don’t urge them to radically change their priorities there will be another Rep victory in 2028 guaranteed.
If you truly are convinced your political views are what is best for society; then prove it to the people.
Come with the better ideas, create the better policies that actually improve the lives of the citizens.
Come with the best speakers and turn up with actual decent presidential candidates.
Root out the useless Bureaucrats, corrupt Career politician dinosaurs and billionaire lobbyists in the pocket of the Deep State.
Stop your media from disrespecting the voter base by being just ordinary gossip channels that just scream at each other and rely on censorship to manipulate their audiences.
And have them report the truth and unbiased news and debate actual politics instead of just repeating popular bias narratives.
Show us that they actually care about their own people instead of just pumping money in foreign aid and wars while ignoring the citizens.
Have them plead to stop the giant waves of criminal and fundamentalist extremist (illegal) immigrants coming into the West instead of welcoming them with open arms.
Show us that you can actually govern competently with your policies, cause at the moment almost every single Left Wing ruled Country, State and City is a Crime ridden, poverty stricken, homeless overrun nightmare.
I am a Dutch Hippie. I used to vote Left Wing the first 10 years of my voter age life up until 2015/16 when the Left completely lost the plot.
If the Left can prove to me again that they are the best option for society I will gladly vote for them again.
But as it stands everything the Left touches at the moment has become an absolute disaster.
And just screaming “the Right wing is worse” is not going to cut it.
Cause evidently by the rise in Right wing parties winning elections all over the West, the majority does not see it that way.
If the Right wing is so evil and incompetent, apparently people feel the Left wing is even worse.
So instead of screaming at each other who is worse; make your political isle better!
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