It's not my fault...

2 months ago 33

It's not my fault that u took me for granted & treated me as a convenient back up option while ghosting me & never opening up about ur ideology. Although I also felt that u wanted us to find a way but this feeling could never be established as right due to lack of efforts at ur end.

It wasn't my fault in openly sharing the pre-existing complexities with you as I was being transparent as I have been taught in my upbringing to remain honest with people & not to keep them in disguise just for the sake of own underlying interest. Despite me wanting to find a way out it couldn't be done then but I am proud of the fact that this trait of being honest is imbibed in me irrespective of the outcome.

Also, it wasn't my fault that u lack basic courtesies of interaction and u didn't really assign any weightage for reciprocating my attempts for my potential entrance in ur life. My father wanted to meet u before u ghosted me & u being absconding raised suspicion on my credibility if I am actually capable of making good choices in life.

It wasn't my fault that I waited for u but u were nowhere found. By the time u could recollect after ghosting me for long that I too exist in the world, you were late & I was putting my sincere attempts to move on after waiting for u so long although it's wasn't on a very happy note that time too.

It wasn't my fault again that only u do reappear in my life coincidentally and repeatedly whenever I face any tremors in my life & feel like giving up. I never instigated any of ur re-appearances & infact I tried my level best to never get indulged with u in any form as it would worsen my situation as I felt & u would agree too on this.

It wasn't my fault either that u r too conceited/egoistic to approach me instead u prefer not revealing it's u instead of using shield of random source of communication or of loved one's & this is when I was abroad thus couldn't respond on time. Later when I got to know u approached I found it of just casual intent with no clarity as to what was it about.

I didn't know what u were goin through exactly at that point & I got to know it subsequently when I asked centuries later & regretted not clarifying earlier as I would have preferred to stay in touch with you in ur difficult times by just being there if u wanted to share how u felt then. How long it takes to let me know about the situation in which u were suffering? A call/sms/DM in any of the social media platforms may be of 1 min or even 30 seconds if u wanted to tell me which u didn't obviously???

It's not my fault that u hop in & keep switching quickly into numerous people simultaneously & ur buddy choices are too questionable. How do u change partners like per day page turn on the calendar & then the other person who may be interested in you gets discouraged to take things forward by merely observing you n your people in bulk. I may appear judgemental but sometimes we should observe ourselves from a bit distance to get the clear picture of how we are portrayed & depicted.

It's not my fault that I m not perfect either.. I have extreme anger issues, anxiety, irritation & I get annoyed easily on small things infact... Given the traits & defects I have, I am highly desirous & clear about what I want. I have I always wanted to remain invested in someone who is equally invested in me & the investment with explicit returns should be noticeable... Consider me selfish but I expect that my loved one shouldn't feel ashamed of/hesitant in knowing my well being. If they feel so then they shouldn't be in the bracket being called as my loved one's.

It's not my fault that I prefer clarity, concern & dedication in all arenas. Assume me as rude but I always wanted this before getting involved. But I could never sense the same while interacting with u ever.

My fault is that unfortunately & unknowingly I invested my emotions in you & trust me it was never deliberate...I felt always that I am somehow connected to u & thus I share the feeling with u whenever u felt sad, disappointed, disheartened or lost at the same point probably when u connect dots. But it feels to me now that this is my OCD apparently as this feeling of connection is one way since always.

Consider it as one of the major mistakes I committed in my life which made me regret again since u have expertise in ghosting repeatedly. I get repeatedly angry on the ghosting issue particularly as it could have been us together which I lost in the entire process & disappointment of the same still haunts me in my present life where I feel I don't belong here in this.

I didn't write this long post to blame you for anything as I am equally egoistic just like u to share my feelings one to one freely but I needed to write it down & express somewhere as it's really messing with my mind since really long... Specially as I have been facing some tremors in my life too since long & these what if thoughts make me vulnerable only when it comes to you.

I am freeing myself from any thoughts of you now.

Marks my words- I will never write/feel/refer about you now onwards. This doesn't mean that I will start hating you but the damage done is done & whomsoever is/was at fault doesn't matter now.

I have understood that I never had the assumed, felt & required importance in ur life & every bit of shared coincidences were some random petty events in life which lapsed soon along with loosing their significance in my life.

Bonding, instinct, connection & feelings loose their importance when remain in unexpreseed status for long. I am equally responsible for all this as I was also hesitant feeling injustice to my current life but now it's late for everyone. I have lost my patience and all these scenarios changed my basic nature of remaining calm and caring in the process of understanding & getting disappointed again.

I am done missing you. I am done regretting not being together. I am done daydreaming about what if's. I am done feeling drawn to you. I am done being angry or disappointed with you. I am done with errors committed anxiously. I am done being in love with u in alternate world. I am done trying to contact u ever.

I Quit.

Have a good lifetime!!! Stay happy 🌹 Take care

submitted by /u/Think_Positive_9054
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