It is scary how smart someone is often just comes down to genetics

1 month ago 25

Everyone denies IQ or there are differences in intelligence between individuals, yet any parent or teacher can tell you there is massive differences in the ability to learn among people. Some kids can breeze through high school without studying. Others struggle massively even with tutoring and help because they just can’t seem to store information in their brain.

And so many people deny this. In athletics, everyone agrees the most important factor is genetics. People like to think kids of rich families are successful because of their wealth, but maybe they are successful because they inherited the right intelligence from their parents? The Manning family has produced a ton of successful quarterbacks, and I don’t think that is because of wealth.

The idea of equality is pretty stupid if you think about it because it is impossible to level the playing field. We are trying to force every kid into the same box, and that is why Gen Z is so messed up now.

submitted by /u/OkEngineering2469
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