Issue with my future

2 months ago 27

Hi guys so i ve been lately asked milion times about what i wanna do in my life im 21. I am sick of leaving on my parents but yet im grateful how understanding they are about choosing my path. I have like financial support and all is fine but im stuck with my head that i don't have a clue what to do. I already dropped out of 2 universities since i didn't like the studies across with the career that follows it and im thinking if universities are that important or just go to regular job which won t get me too far in future career or try 3rd Uni ill just add up that i leave in Europe so Universities are basically free but i don t know if too try or it will be a total waste of another few months if i don t like it. Please guys just answer what would yall do on my site of view cuz im freaked out.

submitted by /u/BLO_OD_Bust
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