is this what first time feels like?

1 month ago 14

I don’t think anybody truly understands what it feels like to be in your 20s. Everyone says, “You’re still young, you haven’t experienced anything yet,” but that’s exactly what makes it so frustrating.

This is the age where you have to start figuring out who you’re going to be—an adult, responsible for your own future. All your life, people told you what to do: Be a good kid. Take your required classes. Just finish this, and then that. But then, after high school, they throw you out into the world with no real direction.

What now? College demands money just to gain knowledge—so where are you supposed to work to afford tuition? I was always told to just keep my grades up, but now I’m stuck wondering: Is this even what I want? Should I keep going to college, or should I just focus on making money so I can survive?

Everything feels overwhelming, like I’m starting from scratch again. Freedom sounded exciting, but at this age, it just feels confusing.

I guess this is what first time feels like

submitted by /u/Accurate-Warthog9661
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