Is there anyone who's favorite Dante is Paradisio?

1 week ago 14

We all know how this works with the Divine Comedy. Most folks love Inferno the best, occasional freaks like myself actually prefer Purgatorio (though Inferno is still quite great). Anyone here find Paradisio to be their favorite? I've read the first two books I'd say around four times in my life and have yet to get past maybe the first 10 cantos of the third despite a couple of of stabs at it - I tried the Ciardi translation but couldn't finish it. A year or two ago I tried the Hollender and got further but found the copious notes almost overwhelmed me. I've got the forthcoming Black translation on pre-order and decided to give the Musa a go whilst I wait.

I find that I don't mind the lack of dramatic tension per se in Paradisio, but I get bogged down by the lengthy philosophy and even more so by the talk of the spheres etc. But I keep reading how the final book of the Comedy may also be the most accomplish poetry Dante ever wrote. So is there anyone out there who can help convince me to give it one more try? I really want to like it but so far just can't get through it.

submitted by /u/bjlefebvre
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