Is it me or is the world become significantly more boring?? I'm in my twenties so i think i shouldnt have this feeling as i should be thriving (which i'm doing my best to do so) but everything is becoming and a lot already is so bland, so monotonous. As if theres not much soul left in this world anymore. I cant fucking shake this feeling and its been some time now. Circumstances in life can ofcourse greatly influence our thinking, feelings etc., but idk if it would be that much different if id be on top of the world rn. Also tbh, when i watch other peoples lives, like go to work, pay rent, may be pay off a loan for a house for +30 years, do the usual stuff besides work, it drives me insane to comprehend how one can simply live like that and then one day just die. Its everyday the same shit til you maybe make it to pension but what are you gonna do at 65 years old?? Start to "enjoy" life?? So what i'm saying is that everybody is doing the same shit, everyday, while those in charge are literally shitting into our mouths by feeding us bullshit stories establishing bullshit laws, making you pay half your salary to the state, intentionally creating and pushing inflation and you're supposed to swallow that shit without a single complaint. To me, that is absolutely crazy. The big corporations have all reached an insane level of greed which is a big cause of why this world is going to shit. For example, I cant even watch a youtube video without being forced to watch 30s, even up to a minute ads every few minutes (i cant have adblock on my tv) Everything is becoming so unenjoyable. Ads Ads Ads. Everyfuckingwhere. Then all that pollution of the oceans, plastic being even in our organs and brains like where the fuck are we going?? Here in europe the new cars start beeping when youre going 1kmh over the speed limit. IMAGINE that shit. They wanna control everything, step by step. How are people just keeping accepting this?? I could go on for some time but this has become long enough already.✌🏻
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