Is it normal to self isolate?

1 month ago 35

I'm a first generation American from an south Asian immigrant family. I'n not an attractive woman - I suffer from polycystic ovarian syndrome and hirsutism (facial hair). Because of the PCOS, I've always been obese and can never lose weight. I tried medication but it just made me sick. I was bullied alot throughout my childhood, either with kids calling me racial slurs or fat/ugly/or worse.

I've never really had good relationships with people my age. No friends or anything and it really hurts. I've tried meetups groups, networking events, happy hrs, joined a few book clubs, volunteering. Most of my coworkers are men but they are mostly rude or completely ignore me. Most people at those Meetup events already know each other. Sometimes I just feel like a ghost like I don't matter. I just can't connect with anyone and feel totally alienated. I've tried to connect with my culture but in my opinion south Asian community has not been welcoming to me and they are very judgemental and fatphobic. I don't bother going out anymore because I just figure people won't like me anyway as that has always been my experience.

submitted by /u/MissBehave654
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