Is it normal to become more self centered as you age

3 months ago 43

I (30M) noticed I have become very self centered compared to how I was when I was younger. In my early twenties, I would be the go to guy to ask for help such as moving or getting parties ready, recently a friend asked for my help to help him move and I told him I’m busy that day, but the truth was I just didn’t want to spend my day off helping them move. Before I used to look at everyones stories on social media and now I look at no one’s stories except for my close family members because I don’t see the point of seeing what others are up to when they’re not apart of my life and I am more interested in what I’m doing. I used to revisit memories from the past and wonder how others are doing then look up their social media to see how they are, I stopped doing that after turning 29, I told myself all my life I was the one who went to those people and now if they care to see how I’m doing they should come to me. I used to try hard to remember everyone’s name who I met before and now if I don’t see or talk to someone for longer than a month, I forget their existence. Is this a common experience after turning 30?

submitted by /u/EdBooiiiii_47
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