Intermittent Fasting = is it a Cure for Cancer?

2 months ago 30

So far I have discovered that fasting aka intermittent fasting triggers Autophagy in the body when you stay 16 + hours without eating anything except drinking water; Basically you eat dinner at 7 PM and you do NOT eat anything until next morning 12 PM lunch. You only drink Water to cleanse your body of toxins. You essentially skip breakfast, which was created to break fast.

During Autophagy the good cells can survive this harsh phase but the bad cells cannot survive and are starved out and are instead consumed themselves by the good cells who remain alive. Basically it is the good cells eating the bad cells hence the meaning Autophagy which means in Greek to Eat Yourself. Autophagy seems like a mechanism where the body auto-cleanses itself. Here is an article that describes in detail this process =

What do you guys think about intermittent fasting and Autophagy? Please Share your opinions.

submitted by /u/THE_BIG_BONGO
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