If you're utterly bereft of everything that makes life on this planet even remotely bearable (love, success, fulfillment), then genuinely, what use is there in sticking around? Continued living essentially becomes an act of self-harm at that point.

3 months ago 37

I can only speak for myself, but my existence is hellish to the extreme, and there isn't a single reason that can justify me continuing to hold on to a "life", that can otherwise barely be defined as such.

Although, it's not as if most anyone here, or elsewhere, are ever willing to acknowledge that. Instead they either gaslight me with a cliched barrage of "solutions", or they dismiss me for being a weakling who isn't trying hard enough, and that's otherwise giving into "defeatism". Most people are so hellbent on treating everything like it's fixable, even in all those times/examples where it's revealed as the complete and utter garbage that it is. When it comes down to it, they're only saying this ridiculous crap in an attempt to shore up their own ideological biases, and thus they really don't give a shit whether what you, or I, are going through is actually fixable or not. In my case, the situation I'm in is no different than anyone else who's found themselves stuck in an irreparably dire predicament, whether that's being sealed away on a sinking submarine, or being stranded at the top of a frigid mountain. Scream, cry, run around like your hair's on fire, or draw up some delusional plans about how best to escape the inescapable. The water will still rush into your lungs all the same. The hypothermia will still blacken your extremities before sending you into an eternal sleep. At least in those examples, the end comes swiftly. With this, it's like a slow motion execution.

When all's said and done, I've been like this for way too fucking long. Nobody will ever understand, accept, or love me for who I am. I'm just a husk wishing I could crumble to dust. I've been isolated for 15+ fucking years. How in the HELL am I ever going to be able to meet others who wouldn't be deeply put off by that? Not even severe drug addicts are at this much of a disadvantage, socially speaking. I really can't stress enough how much I wish I had been an abortion.

submitted by /u/Manus_2
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