If Aliens are real and in contact with "select" people then they are certainly evil beings

2 months ago 31

I just had this revelation a few minutes ago because I watched a Tik Tok where a guy said that he hopes that the drones in NJ turn out to be aliens about to make their long awaited reveal to us because he just can't take the modern quasi dystopian world anymore

Everyone (including me) agreed and were saying how, the moment aliens are revealed the 99.9% that have been oppressed will have no reason to conform to the BS circumstances that they have been living through because all of a sudden we would have technology thousands if not millions of years more advanced.

i even began to imagine how amazing this would be and was wondering why "the government" or whoever just don't let out the big secret after all these years, if anything now is the best time, people around the world are suffering and there are so many avoidable tragedies happening.

So much so that people are overwhelmingly supporting Luigi Mangione.

People are clearly sick and tired of the current status quo.

So why would these aliens allow the suffering to go on with all their advanced tech? At this point the citizens are more of less crying out for relief, but they are sitting on escape hatch to help who exactly?

I am reasonably successful myself and probably in the 5% of income in earnings in America, the richest country and even I wouldn't mind this upheaval.

The "societal chaos" excuse was reasonable from the 50s to about the 90s but not anymore, people are not comfortable anymore but these ridiculous ass aliens are busy playing spy and protecting the interests of the top 0.0001%

If this is the case, we should hate and attack them just the same way we hate evil dictators that caused suffering for no reason like Hitler or Pol Pot.

If it is somehow revealed that they working with some humans and have been for sometime while allowing calamity to go on in the majority of the planet they claim to care about, then they are inherently evil and do no give a damn about our species

submitted by /u/Particular_Notice911
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