3 months ago 48

Yes the title is correct, where should I go I'm trapped in a toxic household and I'm struggling with my life and with my academics and also I'm young means I'm about to get into adulthood. I'm only child of my parents and i feel that they don't deserve any child. Giving facilities doesn't make sure that you are doing good in parenting, I've lost my confidence in studies I used to be a very bright student of my class and now I'm trailing at last of my coaching classes.I'm done with this pathetic and chocking life of mine. I want to share alot but i don't have anyone to listen me. After coming from college to home(I don't feel it as home) hell would be a better place to live. From past two years I'm struggling like hell and hoping that one day all will be good but now it's all a dream. Sometimes I feel God should take my life and give to someone who deserve alot. I really want to escape from here, they fight among themselves like dogs and if the topic is over they switch to me. I just shared something with my father he taunted me and i shouted and argued then I got so pissed I told something his ego hurted and started hit me so badly. My mother doesn't bother at all. She just think about herself. Like they say male are tend to share things to there mom but In my case she will not even bother to listen and shouts and tell me to go do your shit.

Hoping one day this Insanity is over.

I'm so alone and in cold that idk..

submitted by /u/freakbadmishraji
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