Idk what i should do

1 month ago 64

So basically i have always been a liar, always ran away from problems with lies and the thing is it got to a point where im am now living a lie. I quit college 2 times now because of substance abuse and lack of motivation, my parents know that im still in college and are really happy because its the only thing they wanted from me. They would give me money for the tuition and i would spend it on drugs, and i continued to do that until last month when i realized that i had no sense of direction, no hobbies except gaming all day and sleeping, i was just straight up fucking up everything in my life and so i quit drugs, I started praying and fasting ( basically in the orthodox christian religion you have these set periods of time before Christmas or Easter where you can’t eat animal products like eggs milk and meat). While doing this fast i rediscovered one of my hobbies that used to bring me a lot of joy and that was cooking and cooking for others, even though i had to use limited ingredients i could still make something tasty. Something reignited in me and i remembered that i once had a dream, to open my own restaurant someday. I completely stopped ordering food online and almost completely dedicated my time to cooking and learning new techniques. Right now im getting ready for my first day working in a real kitchen. The thing is i still don’t have the balls to tell my parents the truth and i still lie a lot, they don’t know that i got a job and now im thinking about how i should approach this because it became really tiring for my mental health, lying for such a long time .Also thank you for reading

submitted by /u/Alarmed_Tea4287
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