I will be in a house alone for the next two weeks, over the holidays

2 months ago 28

My parents are going on an overseas vacation for the next two weeks and, given that I still live with them at 33 because I'm a huge loser, I will be alone in the house. I'd like to say that it would be a two weeks where I'm holding holiday parties, having friends over, having events or whatever. But I won't. It will be coming home each night to a dark house, spending the evening alone, and waking up alone. Christmas Eve, Day, New year's eve and Day will be spent alone, making some meal for myself to eat alone and have leftovers for a week, alone. The only thing I'm really looking forward to is getting a list of films/TV shows with great sound mixing so that I can put my speakers on full volume and full bass to make the house rumble while I watch stuff. What a pathetic, sad existence.

submitted by /u/patheticl0s3r
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