I went on 1 date with a guy 3 years ago and I still think about it!

1 month ago 24

It’s the craziest thing, I was casually scrolling on tinder (which I didn’t really use so this was already weird) when I swiped on a profile of this guy that I thought was cute and it turned out was in town for the day and was leaving that same night!

We spoke maybe 2 sentences, hello and when and where do you want to meet…

Super last minute date and tbh I was just open to meeting and talking to someone considering it was Friday and I had no plans; I didn’t think too much about it.

I was already studying at a cafe so he said he could meet me there!

He showed up and I was instantly like wow I really like how he looks, he had showed up in a suit since he was coming from a conference which had brought him to my city!

To make a long story short we stayed at the cafe talking FOR HOURS, when I say hours I mean like 7 whole hours at a cafe, I don’t think I have ever instantly met someone and clicked, we couldn’t stop laughing!!! I felt like we had been friends for years! Everything was relatable, everything was interesting!

When I’m telling you I’ve never connected with anyone like this- romantically or platonically. I obviously love people and appreciate all of my friends and family and people I’ve been in relationships with but im telling you it was magic, and this is coming from someone thats pretty jaded when it comes to love..

Anyways he was set to move to my city right as I was going to be leaving and it wasn’t too feasible and eventually ended (we texted/called everyday for about a month), It’s been 3 years since but I often reminisce on this single date and it makes me wonder if this is what love at first sight feels like?

Will I ever find this again?

I wonder if he thinks of me too… I sometimes daydream of us meeting in another city and getting married (I know how crazy this sounds I KNOW HAHAHAH)

Just wanted to share my story, it feels weird keeping something to myself that I often think about, specially after 3 year

submitted by /u/No-Somewhere9059
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