I was permanently and severely damaged by a medication I took in 2019.

1 month ago 28

Yes, this is all 100% true. Please don’t say “that’s not possible.” If you feel that way just move on from my post. Thanks. In July of 2019 I went on an SSRI antidepressant called Celexa for generalized anxiety disorder. I quit taking it after about 25 eyes because it made me totally numb and lose all pleasure and function, including sexual. I couldn’t feel emotions or even an orgasm at all. Unfortunately after quitting I stayed this way and am still stuck like this over 5 years later. 0% improvements. It is devastating beyond belief. I can’t explain the misery of this. 24/7 hell on Earth. The condition is called r/pssd. There is no treatment or cure and most Doctors don’t know a thing about it. I love everyday 100% numb all because I took a common medication short term over 5 years ago. The worst part to me is numb genitals and zero feeling/pleasure in orgasms.

submitted by /u/CocaCola_BestEver
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