I've made it

4 hours ago 7

Life is good and I'm blessed. Not bragging but sharing a token of appreciation of life.

I'm married, have a child, we are all healthy and happy. My wife and I worked hard and invested our money wisely. I haven't been working for half a year because I don't need to due to monthly investment returns (and my wife enjoying her work).

However, I've learned the term "fun-employed" and thought that this a great idea. So I got myself a part-time job at a winery doing wine tastings. Why? Because I love wine and enjoy philosophising about it, so why not getting paid for it.

Now, working 2-3 days a week to get a little routine doesn't hurt anyone and I'm looking forward to have a work life balance how it's meant to be.

Can't ask for more and I'm thankful for what I've got.

submitted by /u/WhatWouldYourMother
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