I’ve learned to love doing things alone

2 months ago 27

I was a loner at a point and then gained a big friend group. We all partied together about every week, every other. It was fun having some girls to club and drink with, we parted ways because of some immature differences. Now I’m back to square one and I honestly am okay with it this time around. I love trying new restaurants, going to the bar for a drink alone. I usually have a cap that hides my face and an outfit that doesn’t invite attention. I like going in nature alone, events alone. I still do that with a friend here and there, but I love not having to be responsible for anyone and their wants. I always seem to have ideas for hangouts that nobody is interested in, and that’s okay!

Btw growing up watching all those older distressed gentlemen at a bar scenes in movies are what inspired me to start going to the bar alone and I love it. I’m not in distress, it’s just a vibe.

submitted by /u/Pinkmace
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