I've had it with mindlessly following Christmas traditions

2 months ago 30

This Christmas I have learned not to mindlessly follow traditions that don't work for me right now. I (M38) have been big on Christmas tradition for as long as I can remember, I MUST read these books, I MUST listen to these songs, watch these films and eat these specific foods. It has just felt like going through the motions and crossing off chores on a list for the last couple of years.

I have been seeing a Psychotherapist for two years to sort out some unhealthy patterns in my thinking and behaviour. The most important thing I have learned so far is to ask myself ‘What do I need right now?’ and listen to the answer. This Christmas I just need to be. If I want to eat a certain Christmas food or watch a Christmas film I’ll do it, but I refuse to do certain Christmasy things just because I have been doing them uninterrupted since the early 90s. My heart has been beating and I have been breathing interrupted since 1986, that’s tradition enough for me right now.

submitted by /u/AdamHunter91
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