I think pain is the key to my life.

2 months ago 67

I live in Canada but I feel like no matter how broken I become pain is the key.

Spoke with a semi-successful dude in Canada who was kicked out of his parents house at 20 and he told me that the only way for me to win is basically slave away for my entire life and let pain seep into me which I had already been doing.

I will just work 24/7 then and stop caring about the pain anymore or any breaks (his advice). So the advice I use to admire that was no pain= no gain was true from my childhood.

Even through the pain I grew in my life when I had little bit of pain according to the dude I spoke with today and he said I should be working 24/7 and not relaxing at all.

submitted by /u/Last_Consequence2760
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