I think I have a stalker

1 month ago 72

I met a Thai coworker at my job in Sept 23 and she seemed nice, shook my hand and introduced each other. She's getting the idea that we are friends, she did invite me to her house couple times even on Thanksgiving. I'm a loner and sad and have no friends but just go to the gym to try all 2024. Now she is nice because she gives me a lot of food but she also is very awkward, cringes me a lot asking me the same questions what you do tonight, over and over again, sometimes it gets repetitive and I just have passive aggressive thoughts for her to fuck off and she keeps walking up to me and handing me food while I'm eating lunch in my face and I'm beginning not to like her anymore but she can't stop talking to me and texting me and messaging me every single day it's making me feel like I'm the antagonist here, im doing the same thing to other people and I'm going crazy.

submitted by /u/thebageljew
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