I sometimes hate myself

1 month ago 38

I've gone through alot of trauma growing up and into adulthood. If I wasn't bullied for being gay, I was bullied for being jewish. If I wasn't bullied for being jewish, I was shown prejudice for being mixed race (black and german). I was shown hatred for being overweight and ugly as an adult. Then when I lost the weight and glowed up, I was met with animosity from other gay men and straight women. It feels like I'm the most hated no matter how much I love myself. Why can't I be gay,black, white, jewish, and pretty for a dude and still be loving and giving? Why am I a social pariah? I make friends easily, I'm very sociable and outgoing but it feels like alot of people show their insecure side when I'm around even family.

submitted by /u/jaybattiea
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