I really want to improve myself, but I lack motivation and basic skills

2 months ago 27

Basically, title lol. I (31,f) don't know how to drive and I barely know how to cook. I largely rely on my husband for both. When it comes to cooking, he enjoys it and he gets a lot of joy in feeding me a meal, but I know that it must disappoint him that I don't put in the effort to do the same. I just don't have any motivation to cook for myself, and I'm too afraid to feed someone else given my lack of skill. In terms of the driving thing, it's basically the same type of paralysis, mixed in either some anxiety. I know that there is no easy answer, that I need to simply work at these skills and increase my motivation from within. I'm partially venting. But it would be nice to hear if anyone else can relate to this experience and found some results. Either way, thanks for reading.

submitted by /u/vulturesque
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