I Really need to know is my mom Switching from hot and Cold

1 month ago 36

M17 Was Getting Ready for school and my mom told me to put the dog’s pillow back in the dog house since they keep dragging it out and I got my hands dirty when I got to the car i asked my brother for one of my moms wipes she got upset and asked me why didn’t you just asked me and i said because your not the only option around and she said you could’ve just asked me - and she Started Tearing Up crying saying your hurting my feelings - i Didn’t give her a Reaction When she started Tearing up 😢 - she said you need to get that chip off your shoulders and when is the Expiration date of your Grudge going to Expire i didn’t give her a reaction when she said that - I Personally choose to let her Go Cold and just Don’t React - What do you guys think

submitted by /u/ConsiderationSilly86
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