I need help...

2 months ago 26

Quite frankly I don't know where to start or end with this, there is a lot to solve and that I worry about.

But long story short I am 24, and am at a point in my life where I really don't know how to move forward or get myself to want to. I was at uni (doing comp sci majoring in software dev) but was kindly asked to stop my course because I failed too many classes (it got to a point where just wasn't bothering). So I've spent the last couple years just helping the family business out. But, I haven't varied my simple role too much along the way and have been mostly unhappy really just due to the amount of time I've wasted. And due to chnaged circumstances and just getting sick of it, I don't want to do it anymore (I never really have, I just didn't want to be a burden doing nothing at home). However, this means I've practically no experience or little skills at my age. Whatever skill I have is latent or forgotten. Most days I've just worked and then gone home and just fell asleep or watched YT. I also can't drive and am scared as hell to learn. I've got practically no friends and yet am now picky as to who I want and don't want to be my friends. I really struggle to talk to family about this and anything deep, emotional or opinionated a) because I don't always want to seem like a fool and/or move on or grow up but b) I'm also just worried that people are gonna try and hoodwink me into taking bad advice and/or taking an attitude to life that is not very enthusiasting or uplifting in the long run because of their own insecurities or what-have-you, even though I'll admit I'm often the one who is full of anxiety and doubt. It's gotten to the point where either I get overwhelmed or they will sort of keep pushing, and with this I feel quite constrained so I often just don't even talk when it revolves around my future or the such. I feel like a bum and a coward who has taken his fortunes for granted, as I feel I'm pretty lucky compared to most people. I've probably needed therapy for a long time but there is always countless excuses: will I like them? How do I know where to get one and whether they'll be good for me? How will I go about paying for it? And especially, how will it make my family view me. We've had another relative with problems and whilst my intermediates aren't fully dismissive or misunderstanding, sometimes I see (especially from dad) that there is your typical stigmatic judgement. I'm one who doesn't want to play victim or always be given an excuse but that doesn't mean I deny there can be genuine problems, it'd be nice to have someone who is neither too soft nor too dismissive.

Quite frankly, I don't really know how to describe everything that's going on, let alone with some ither family problems, else I'd be writing a super-mega-essay. Right now, I think I at least need to try and get a job, but I'm very idealistic about where it takes me in the long run and whether I feel it brings me any passion or meaning. That may sound entitled but sometimes I just look around and don't always see many fulfilled or happy people. Problem is that every time I bring up the chance of going back to school people immediately tell me not to bother, and I don't always disagree. What's the point if I'll just fail again? But, the thought of just having a job for money and never having anything else for the rest of my life would seem like a severe waste of potential, but I'm at a point where I can't get myself to do anything. I feel completely stuck, like nothing I say or do matters and that the pressure will probably soon be on from family as I have had my time to think about this but haven't found an answer. My sister tells me to just get a regular job; my dad tells me I need to think more long-term and immediately find some place or company I can work with from the ground up. I agree with both: I could either find a part-time job and build a skillset on the side or I could just find something that'd allow to just focus on it fully, but with no experience or degree that's hard. I'm not even sure if I want to get back into that field.

Sad thing is a job is not my only problem, maybe even the least of it.

submitted by /u/somnius13
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