Right now i am in mid 21 , somehow i got clarity in my carreer early before because i choose to live alone, i am not having same peer pressure which will made you think like them , i am on my own path.i dont have social life, dont drinks, no girlfriend also i dont play games .i always watch value content which brings positivity in my life.but i am having small distracrion from instagram which i cant avoid its only one way i keep relax myself.
I have to ask one question about relationship .i am sure that untill i suceed in my life i dont want any relationship because i know the outcome they will attract at some point of life when they are bored they will leave at the end my effort , time will waste.but at this age we cant control ourself by seeing others relationship something we feel missing because we crave for sexuality and its natural we cant control.
Can we look for casual relationship where we dont attach so much emotionally and it will help us to come out of loneliness.when we feel we have to focus on our goal this type of relationship dont effect us .just fir hangout and fun
Whats your thought on this .
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