I'm sorry, but I don't think the Luigi Mangione situation is suspect at all. I think he was flirting with wanting to get caught.

2 months ago 37

I do think Mangione was an idealist. I think he wanted to fight for an actual cause.

But I don't think anything about this arrest is suspect nor has conspiratorial leanings.

Listen, this little countdown video everyone is talking about is creepy. But we should have known right away; it's not real. It was posted by an account that changed their handle to Mangione's name before posting it.

As for Mangione's accusations of planted evidence; he didn't deny any of the important stuff, such as the familiar gun, the manifesto, or the multiple fake ID's, one of which was used by the shooter to check into a hostel. In fact, he pushed back specifically on the two things that made it seem like he was trying to evade police, and for one of them -- this "faraday bag" -- he didn't even claim it wasn't his, only that he didn't know it blocked cell signal and that he had it just because it was waterproof.

Additionally, the guy that called the police on him didn't recognize him as the shooter. They just thought he was suspicious. (Edit: I'm wrong according to this document. He was reported as looking like the shooter.)

Just using Occam's Razor here: Mangione wrote a manifesto, as he had subtle desires of getting caught for his much-beloved crime. He sat at the back of a McDonalds partially wanting to be caught but not yet being sure, which is why he wore the mask. Cops did arrive -- probably much to his surprise -- but it was because he was a nervous-looking man at the back of a McDonalds with a full backpack, not because someone recognized him as the shooter.

And that's it.

He did carry out the shooting due to a set of ideals. He did begin to fantasize about being caught and receiving credit as a modern hero. He probably didn't expect that it would happen when it did. Now, he wants to make sure it doesn't come across that he was trying to evade police. He wants to be seen as a mastermind.

I'm willing to change my opinion in the face of more suspicious details.

Edit: I also know he sort of dropped off the face of the Earth for a time. That's not weird when you're planning on shooting a healthcare CEO. He had a severe back surgery, and after that, he changed completely. I'm hearing that his transformation is well-documented by the man himself in his Goodreads reviews. That's what happened. He lived perfectly, then had a horrible experience with the system, and he decided to do something about it.

Edit 2: One admittedly suspicious thing: this manifesto (404 now, find it here) was posted to his website. However, that website was registered only a few hours after his arrest. That is, admittedly, strange. It could be some random civilian, but who knows.

submitted by /u/ChristianClineReddit
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