I’m sorry but….

2 months ago 28

Enough with the “I hate life” “life sucks” “I don’t wanna go on anymore” like damn!! I can’t be the only one tired of seeing these posts??? There’s no way. It’s literally a sub rule No Doom and Gloom yet that’s all I see on this page. Let’s talk about the good stuff! Or share interesting life stories.. something! As far as those posts go…. Time and time again people have said it… life is what you make it (shout out to Joe Dirt) but seriously. People hate the hard truths and they hate knowing they have to put the work in but it’s true! Seek some therapy, start getting more active even if it’s just going for a walk, eat healthier, don’t allow yourself to be around negativity if you can help it and see how your life changes. People don’t wanna do that because it’s easier to sit there and feel sorry for yourself… trust me, I would know. I’m almost 4 months sober, I’ve found the therapist I used to pray for, I stay active (I fell off a little bit but it’s just that time of year give me a break) and I’m so much happier. I’m so much nicer. People GRAVITATE towards me. When you actually take care of your mind, body and spirit your life will CHANGE. It’s not easy at all, if it was everyone would be happy and we’d never see posts like this (which is often). But my point is… cmon let’s start picking ourselves up!

submitted by /u/Delicious_Wafer7767
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