Am I playing life on hard mode? Please advice.

4 hours ago 8

Everyone around me seems to be getting to their next destination or goal with little to moderate effort, but in my case I am always having to take extra effort or stress to get it done. For eg: getting a job, naturally the steps are straight forward - attend interviews, complete paperworks in normal time. In my case, the process is always hectic. Even with the current job offer in hand (which isn't permanent), I'm having to complete an international DBS check which is giving me unimaginable pressure(usually unnecessary in a dbs check but this institution is demanding it), chase my previous supervisors for reference (who were responding until 3 months ago, and now I'm being ghosted for reasons unknown) etc. It's not just my job but a regular occurrence in my case. Even though I'm hopeful that things may end up in my favor it just takes the living light out of me everyday to get my things straight. Please advice.

submitted by /u/thelordshark
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