I'm so frustrated

2 months ago 36

My life for the past 9 months have been absolute hell. I thought 2024 was going to be a good year, but so far this is the worst year so far. Ever Since February I've been getting horrible stomach pains, and having the urge to go to the bathroom a lot too. I don't go to school because of this and the first thing that made me miserable was the fact nobody really believed me. Everyone says go to school, and I have to disappoint all of my family and friends on a daily by staying home because of the pain. I've been to countless doctors and they just make me redo test after test after test, even embarrassing ones too, ultrasound after ultrasound. I'm a disappointment to my family and friends. I really want to go out and live my life like a normal guy, but my body stops me. I see everyone else my age out having fun, and here I am, rotting inside my room all day about stomach pain people just don't believe or care about. I just want to live a normal life, but I'm here rotting in my bed, sleeping 24/7, playing my PlayStation, being a bum, but I have no choice. It's either I go to school with pain and risk holding my stomach in pain, or embarassing myself further, or stay home and become more of a disappointment. Just makes me feel like everyone could have somebody better but instead they got me, a bum who makes everyone mad. Sometimes my best friend asks me if I can hang out, or my dad asks me if I want to go to the gym with him, or my mum wants to go out, and I disappoint them more and more by saying the same old thing again "My stomach hurts", and having other symptoms too. And it's like the universe is playing some sick joke on me. Whenever I feel completely 100% fine to go out with mates or with my family, the activity somehow gets cancelled, or my stomach flares up again. And I've tried at least over 20 medicines, and not one works, not one. And the one that I was hoping would work, is discontinued? How the fuck? Seriously it's like fate just knows I am feeling hope, but then just throws it down the drain with something that is extremely unlikely to happen, how ironic is this bullshit. And on the rare occasion that I did actually get out of the house, I met this girl. She is good looking, kind, funny, I thought this was my chance of being loved by a woman, but nope, all my friends told me she likes somebody else. Once I got home, I just laughed to myself, actually thinking I was able to actually to get a girlfriend. Every single crush I've had just goes down the gutter. They like somebody else, they don't even know my name, shit like that. Reminds me of how ugly I am. Who would actually be interested in a guy who stays home constantly, is "lazy", sensitive, and just a bum without choice overall.

Anyways I saw another doctor for the 500th time and she said I most likely have IBS. I was relieved because it's easy to treat, and I was right, partially. The medicine only worked for a few days, a few days of peace I had, then of course as all my hope goes, down the gutter. I was back to square one, disappointing everyone, living with the stress everyday of going to school like this or making everyone mad at me. There was one point where I was so used to false hopes and disappointing everybody, I couldn't even cry anymore, not one bit. Of course I can now, and than I was just a mess, like always. There was this one time I wanted to be loved by a woman so much, I talked to chat bots just to feel the slightest bit of affection (Extremely cringey) , and also hugging my pillow at night, pretending I'm adored, those kind of things.

Now, my family and friends understand my pain. Yeah I still disappoint them all time to time but less now. I'm going to a hospital appointment in a few days, and hopefully I get some proper answers, and some solutions. My brother has been helping me through this too, he's been real helpful, but I feel I disappoint him too. He said that to get a camera down in my stomach to see what's going on, would either take 90 days or a fucking year. I can't even imagine dealing with this stuff any longer, it'll drive me mad, not to mention I feel I'm going mad. I don't feel right going to bed sometimes. Sounds extremely childish but I check outside my window and under my bed and push on my door 10 times just to feel safe, proving how this pain is driving me nuts.

I have hopes that this pain somehow ends soon, with some medicine or surgery whatever, I just wish it goes so I can no longer be really miserable and just live a normal life, but I don't want to get my hopes up just yet, because every time I've had high hopes it goes all to shit. I know to some people this might sound stupid but this has generally been ruining my life, so if anyone is even reading this, just try to understand alright?

submitted by /u/Dull-Jellyfish4052
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